Finding June’s Inspiration
I’m writing this letter to you while sitting under the shade of a tree, and it feels like summer camp. My goal for this correspondence is to cultivate creativity.
Since the trees have bloomed green, my favorite way to find inspiration has been enjoying a daily walk around the block. I like bringing my camera along (usually my phone) so I can take reference pictures of plants, birds, and interesting things around the neighborhood. Working from home can be lonely sometimes, so when I realize I haven’t been social in a while, I’ll call up a friend. When the shadows retreat and it gets too hot to be outside, I like to play my favorite shows in the background while I work.
Maybe you can relate: I tend to stick with a project until my back hurts, my eyes begin to glaze, and burnout sets in. I often won’t take a break until I feel like I earned it, and it’s hard to shake the belief that stress is the secret to success. This feeling is common, and unfortunately it’s also detrimental to your body and to your project. Good news ahead: incorporating enjoyment into your routine mitigates stress and boosts productivity. Can you make fun a priority in your daily routine this month? Perhaps you already do!
In July, I’ll be sharing the inspiration I find while learning 3D modeling techniques on Blender. If you are curious about 3D artwork, I encourage you to follow Blender Guru’s Blender 3.0 Donut Tutorial. The best part? It’s fun (and free!).
Thank you for inspiring me! Share this blog with a friend if you think they’d like a monthly inspiration boost.
Be kind to yourself,