• MAGS Logo

    First Attempt

  • MAGS Logo

    Second Attempt

  • Third Attempt

  • Final Attempt

MAGS Logo (personal)

This was my first attempt at making a logo with Figma, and I enjoyed the process.

To achieve this look, I:

  • First played with the UX/UI to understand the layout.

  • Used the Pen and the Bend tools to create and adjust letters.

  • Manipulated stroke width, end points, and joints for desired look.

  • Added new elements with the shape tool (rain drop, fire).

  • Conformed logo size by adjusting vectors to fit product.

Upon review, I believe that Adobe Illustrator may have been a better tool for efficient and streamlined logo creation, but Figma’s UI was easy to use and I am glad to have the knowledge for it to be an option.

I also believe that I could have added more spacing around the text.


Worlds Apart Album Art (private commission, 2022)